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Ventilation Panel

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Ventilation Panel



  • AUTO:
    • When both switches are on AUTO:
      • On the ground before TO power in open circuit configuration or in closed configuration when the skin temperature is below the ground threshold.
      • On the ground after TO power, and in flight, the ventilation system is in closed circuit configuration.
  • OVRD:
    • When either pushbutton switch is on OVRD:
      • Closed circuit configuration.
      • Air from the air conditioning system is added to ventilation air.
      • The blower fan stops if the BLOWER pushbutton switch is in the OVRD position.
    • When both pushbutton switches are on OVRD:
      • Air flows from the air conditioning system and then overboard.
      • The extract fan continues to run.
  • FAULT It:
    • Amber light and ECAM message
      • in blower switch, when:
        • low blowing pressure is
        • duct overheats
        • power supply to the computer fails
        • smoke warning is activated
      • in the extract switch, when
        • extract pressure is low
        • computer power supply fails
        • smoke warning is activated.

CAB FAN pushbutton

  • ON: The two cabin fans are on.
  • OFF: The two cabin fans are off.

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Last update: September 1, 2021
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